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  1. #11
    The Shadow: I recently made an app for Shadow / Brian that, when pointed to the user's map downloads folder, would list all pk3 files in the left window pane, similar to Windows Explorer but filtered.
    Select any pk3 from the list and it will display the dates and times of all files inside the selected pk3 to the right hand side.
    It also would read file sizes both compressed and uncompressed for whatever reason Brian wanted that feature.
    I had to ask him the same question, why? lol

    The app doesn't give file creation date/time, just last modified date/time. However I suppose I could add that function.

    Unfortunately it never worked for Brian although we were getting very close to ironing out the two errors he had (and I think I solved them both) when the trial period of the installer expired.
    I was guttered and eventually turned my back on the project.

    I guess I put too much into my projects as it included previews of texture (jpg & tga), all text type file formats and audio file, all whilst still compressed as well as the option to extract any selected file(s).
    Maybe I could strip it down and take another shot at it including the selected file's created time & date stamp. This would be a huge time saver for you.

    PK3 ExplorerSizes.jpg

    In the pictured example I used it in my most recent map's directory but you could point it to your downloaded maps folder or wherever and it will remember up to 10 paths.
    Would something like this interest you?

    Shadow: "The base of a shadow..." If only seeing it could also solve AccA errors too. Oops I mean extra features. lol
    Last edited by AccadaccA; 05-23-2020 at 11:20 PM.

  2. #12
    Yeah I think it would be cool to give the program a test, looks like it could save some time.

    It should work ideally as I am actually using the "last modified time" for my records, as it is always the same as the creation date so long as a map hasn't been put into a map pack.

  3. #13
    The Shadow: No probs mate, I actually started to rework it today and have it test ready.
    I stripped everything but the basic funtion of displaying times, dates and sizes.
    Then I played around a bit more to get everything resizable, including auto sizing columns to fit long filenames and or long sizes, etc.

    It's at the point where it would suit your needs but I'll need to take baby-steps (with fresh installation testing in between) to get it back to what Shadow / Brian wanted it for.
    It's 1am here so I'm about to get some sleep.
    Inbox me your email addy and I'll send it to you in the light of day if I find your email addy.

  4. #14
    Here is the list of DM and OBJ maps I have finished as of September 2020, and list of discovered creators. As more maps are discovered and new ones released I plan to keep these lists updated for the future!
    I do also plan to make single player map lists etc. but will need to take a break for a bit.

    Thank you to all those who assisted and made these efforts possible!

    Lists + Read Me:

  5. #15
    Great to see it finally done, mate.
    just viewed the spreadsheets.
    Dang that's a lot of work.

    Had I known your intent I could have made an app to edit the record sets.
    Maybe I should do that for new inclusions/updates? Just today I gave Uber links to 6 new maps of mine ready for upload. lol

    Thanks for the kudos and good luck with basic training.
    I hope there is never a need to be deployed.
    Last edited by AccadaccA; 09-20-2020 at 03:08 AM.

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