This MOD was made on an attempt to improve the fantastic REBORN PATCH tool "sv_antiwh", which is effective on blocking wallhack but
as flaws related to delay on rendering player (desapearing the player when is behind the wall and drawing the player when he is not).
Also the sound was affected when player was not drawn behind the wall you could not hear the weapon sounds.
This two flaws/bugs are fixed with this mod. It is very playable and tested for about an year on -=[ETT]=- Server.
Hope you all like it.
Good Clean and Fun Game!
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.STOP the server.
.Place the file ÅÅNO_WALLHACK.pk3 in your server's /MAIN folder.
.Add this lines inside your server's file (ex:server.cfg)
seta sv_nohack "1" // (Turn ON the NO-WALLHACK MOD)
seta anticham 1 // (Turn ON the ANTICHAM MOD)
seta antiwambot 1 // (Turn ON the ANTIWAMBOT MOD)
.Then RESTART the server.
... and that's it, EASY .
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NOTE: This mod is fully compatible with ADMIN PRO mod. Works with or without it.
NOTE: This mod NEEDS REBORN PATCH on your server.
To turn ON the NO-WALLHACK mod in game, admin needs to type on console "rcon sv_nohack 1" (It needs a restart of map or round to activate the mod properly.)
To turn OFF the NO-WALLHACK mod in game, admin needs to type on console "rcon sv_nohack 0"
You might notice some slight double sound of weapons, it is normal.
It forces the weapon sounds to the player therefor if player is not rendered behind wall you still can hear the weapon sound.
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