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Thread: AAAA Legacy

  1. #11
    Hey Ubersoldier...
    Sorry but all the buttons on tcadmin related to server hosting are not working. Links are inactive!!
    I always used to donate to AAAA community through Clan Pay donation to client "GamingDeluxe Ltd. - Clan Pay - Jon boden".
    Now that Jon close the account, there is the need to open a new account for AAAA community.

    "-=[ETT]=- Escort-the-Tank" is a AAAA community server and not properly a clan server.

    I will wait for a fix on the donation button! ... or ... wait for the creation of a new account to Clan Pay! ... or ... I can send money to your account, ubersoldier, has i presume you are the responsible for AAAA at this moment!! Am i right?



  2. #12
    hi pacrac ...
    i am told the donate button is working on the website now ....yay!!
    i have informed HSB about the links in tcadmin ,hope he gets round to fixing it today ....
    try the donate button in "other" at the top of the page please...

  3. #13
    Hi Ubersoldier...
    Donate link is working on "other" section of top of page. Leads me to the old Jon's Clan Pay Client Hash.
    I presume this account is to be kept active for the AAAA community right?
    Since Jon is not supporting anymore the AAAA wont this account be closed too? or is it to be kept active?

    As soon as you confirm that this is the final and active Clan Pay account for the AAAA i will donate.



  4. #14
    Technically, I am hosting AAAA site content (forums, legacy AAAA site, the guy that did the minor redesign for the legacy site, optimized the legacy site, cleaned up tons of spam, etc), but Heatsink still needs to decide what to do with other AAAA assets and services. I just wanted to help him out by removing the burden of managing, hosting, securing, and cleaning up these sites. That should help to beef up his server performance too once he shuts down XAMPP.

  5. #15
    hi pacrac ....
    as Own3all says ...
    the hosting of the servers will stay as HSB link ,please keep the donations coming !!!
    i will keep control of the servers and tcadmin/teamspeak for HSB .

  6. #16
    Ok OK. Nice to hear that we are on the right track
    Thanks alot for the support own3mall , Your efforts to this community are endless :Thumbs up:

    Ok i will donate to the HSB link.

    Thanks alot guys.

    Leets keep this wonderfull community alive!!

    Best regards


  7. #17
    Administrator heatsinkbod's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PacRac View Post
    Ok OK. Nice to hear that we are on the right track
    Thanks alot for the support own3mall , Your efforts to this community are endless :Thumbs up:

    Ok i will donate to the HSB link.

    Thanks alot guys.

    Leets keep this wonderfull community alive!!

    Best regards

    Hi as below - so for now AAAA hosting stays so donates for hosting is https://forums.mohaaaa.co.uk/content/2-Donate

    But Own3mall is now hosting the website and is now so much more stable and faster - Own3mall has done fantastic job on this god knows how much time he spent on cleaning it all u !! this to take the burden off me but I think the community should also donate to Own3mall to cover his hosting costs for the website !! -

    Xampp has been shut down on the AAAA server hosting and this has indeed increased performance on the dedi and our hardware hosts have let us keep existing hardware spec and reduced the price..............

    Our hardware is over speced at present but its a very good deal - so we are able to run a lot more game servers for the uk / EU if someone wants to take over marketing the UK / EU hosting please get in touch ...............

    Thank you all for all your help and support

  8. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by heatsinkbod View Post
    Hi all sorry I am not able to continue to support this legacy with so much regret......

    Ubersoldier for the past year been keeping it going also Xnull.... thanks all - sorry at present I cant continue

    At present we are £32 in debt to gaming deluxe for this month which I can not pay........

    For those that want to keep it going I will hand over...


    I'm new on this forum but an old Mod Theater member who after seeing TMT dissapear off the face of the earth (and watch years of work from old friends go missing) I would hate to see the last vestige of the MOHAA community die.

    I would be glad to offer financial support (I attempted to recover TMT from Trent but had no response), I will not let another MOHAA community die. (And maybe I can offer my services as a web developer)

    Let me know if you are still looking.


  9. #19
    Hey H3llb0und Long time no see, m8!
    Glad you are around, sad can't say the same to all good people from TMT
    So sad that we lost so many vital and important information from TMT website.
    Glad this AAAA community site still is around and must STAY ALIVE, so all help is welcome m8

    Hope to catch you around m8


  10. #20
    Hello Ubersoldier.
    I have done one more montly donation, but i have a question! Can you confirm that client "GamingDeluxe Ltd. - #1843" is AAAA account?

    I assume it is, but would like to be sure.

    Thanks and keep the good work my friend


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