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  1. #1

    GUIDE - MOHAA Guide V1.5

    MOHAA Guide V1.5 is RELEASED!!!!

    Download Links: xNULL MIRROR, AAAA MIRROR or MediaFire MIRROR.

    I've added around 50 extra pages since the last version and loads of new chapters and information!
    Thanks to Purple & Todesengel for proofreading it and providing me with feedback to improve the guide further before release!

    I'll post the update notes and Table of Contents below so you can check it out before downloading!
    Any feedback is highly appreciated and I hope it will be of use to people!

    Updates V1.5
    - Added '1.8.1 Double Jumping'.
    - Added '1.8.2 Slope Jumping'.
    - Added '2.8 (Sniper) Rifle Reload Animation Speed'.
    - Added '2.14.1 Kill/Damage Locations & Damage Multipliers'.
    - Added '5.2.1 Bullet Damage'.
    - Added '5.2.2 Means of Death'.
    - Added '5.8.4 Door Closing Times'.
    - Added '5.11.1 Enable Spectator Chat-to-All'.
    - Added '5.11.2 Spectators Tips & Tricks'.
    - Added '5.13 Ladders'.
    - Added '7.5 Etiquette'.
    - Added '8.3.5 Bind List'.
    - Added '8.4.1 Basic Client CVAR List'.
    - Added '8.4.2 Screen Resolution CVARs'.
    - Added '8.4.3 Max Settings (Highest CVAR Values)'.
    - Added '8.4.4 Demo (Recording) Playback CVARs'.
    	- Added ' X-Ray Mode'.
    	- Added ' Remove "Press fire to join" Message'.
    	- Added ' Remove Avatars'.
    - Added '8.4.5 Basic Admin & Server CVAR List'.
    - Added '8.4.6 Reborn CVARs'.
    - Added '8.6.1 MOHAA Key Output'.
    - Added '8.7.1 Ping Information'.
    - Added '8.9.1 Unable to Locate Screenshots'.
    - Added '9.11 Cheat Skins'.
    - Added '9.12 Cheat Indicators'.
    - Added '11.66 Missing Textures'.
    - Added '11.67 Console Error: ‘CG_te_mode_name Temp Emitter Off’'.
    - Added '11.68 Manon Playerskin Male Voice Bug'.
    - Added '13.1.14 MOHAA Mapping Contest'.
    - Added '13.2 Medals'.
    	- Added '13.2.1 AA Medals'.
    	- Added '13.2.2 SH Medals'.
    	- Added '13.2.3 BT Medals'.
    - Added a new informative picture and some more text to the very first chapter 1.0.
    - Added some additional info about feinting to 1.5.
    - Added a new tip about reloading to 2.10.
    - Added a tiny bit of extra info to some tips in 2.10.
    - Added & edited some sound information to 3.1.
    - Added extra tips/tactics to 4.7.
    - Added another example of score screen usefulness to 5.1.
    - Added some info about cheaters & force models to 5.4.
    - Added more bomb/explosion info and settings to 5.7.
    - Added a tiny bit of info to a spectating tip in 5.11.2.
    - Added a sentence about custom binocular skins to 5.12.
    - Added a bit of info about binoculars & snipers to 5.12.
    - Added 'Discord' to Voice Communication Programs to 6.4.
    - Added and changed a bit of info about binds in 8.3.
    - Changed the value of max. 'rate' to 30000 in 8.7.
    - Changed location of where to find more info on Coords in 8.13.
    - Added additional info about viewpos and setting teleport coords to 8.13.
    - Added more DMFlag options to 8.15.
    - Added a note about Server Qconsole.log to 8.17.
    - Added an additional NUMPAD key and some more info to 8.3.3.
    - Crossed out 2 links from ModTheater posts as they were removed in 8.12.
    - Added a link and info to MOHAA Revival to 8.18.
    - Added AlphaMAC & MOHAAX as Anti-Cheat Programs to 9.1.
    - Added more information and CVARs to 9.9.
    - Added a note about Client Qconsole.log to 9.9.
    - Added a new filter command 'W32' as a cheat indication to 9.9.
    - Added 4 more tips about CTF to 10.2.1.
    - Added a little additional info about shooting tanks to 10.6.
    - Added 3 tips/hints about Escort the Tank to 10.6.1.
    - Added 9 more useful (admin) mods to 10.7.
    - Added a bit more Anti-STWH info to 11.19.
    - Added a note about sv_sounddistance not working anymore to 11.24.
    - Added a bunch of extra info about force updates on the Reborn Auto-Update to 11.25.
    - Added some extra info about mods not working to 11.26.
    - Added a note about cheats to 11.43.
    - Added 2 extra ways to disable taunts (the sounds) whilst playing in 11.64.
    - Added sv_disablechat and ad_dischat as options to disable messages in 11.64.
    - Added CTF huddraw issues to the Anti-Cham mod to 11.65.
    - Changed the number of files available per database in 12.1.
    - Added additional info & links about GSC to 14.2.1.
    - Added 3 more Gamefront mirrors to 14.3.
    - Added a bit of info and an extra link to OpenMOHAA to 14.4.
    - Added a bit of info and a new website link about MOH UE4 project to 14.5.
    - Added 'easymeat' to the Credits list for the Medal pictures, in Chapter 15.
    - Added 'Purple Elephant1au' to the Credits list for feedback, information and ideas, in Chapter 15.
    - Added 'Todesengel' to the Credits list for suggestions/ideas, in Chapter 15.
    - Added 5 new links for mohaa downloads to Chapter 16.
    - Added AlphaMAC & MapMate info & links to Chapter 16.
    - Changed AAAA links to the new AAAA site/forum throughout the Guide.
    - Changed '1.5 Drawing in fire' to '1.5 Feinting/Drawing in fire'.
    - Increased the chapter number of all chapters between 2.8 & 2.13 by 1 (so now named 2.9 till 2.14).
    - Changed all subchapter numbers of chapter 8 after 8.8 due to removing one of the subchapters.
    - Changed '8.6 Keys' to '8.6 Keys/Buttons'.
    - Removed chapter '8.9 Admin CVARS & Commands' (now has become '8.4.4 Basic Admin & Server CVAR List')
    - Added a subchapter number for all the Auto-kick programs & banning systems, which were already in the guide (chapter 9.5 to 9.5.4)
    - Added a subchapter title to an existing page/text, now: '9.9.1 Filter Logs'.
    - Changed '13. Easter Eggs' to '13. Easter Eggs, Fun Facts & Medals'.
    - Changed all subchapters of chapter 13 into sub-subchapters (e.g. 13.1 = 13.1.1 now).
    - Changed '14.5 MOH-UE4 Project' to '14.5 MOH-UE4 Project / MOH Rises'.
    - Changed '15. Credits & Links' to '15. Credits'.
    - Added a new chapter for links only, '16. Links'.
    - Changed '16. Social Media' to '17. Social Media'.
    - Changed '17. Appendix' to '18. Appendix'.
    - Corrected a NUMPAD Key mistake where it said KP_PGDN, now says KP_PGUP in 8.3.3.
    - Changed 'logsync' to 'g_logsync' in 9.9.
    - Corrected a lot of grammar issues.
    - Corrected some layout issues.
    - Changed some of the bullet points in certain chapters from - to a circle, to make things clearer.
    - Removed all MOH Central references and links.
    - Added 'rcon' in front of several rcon commands (the word was missing) and made some smoother to look at.
    - Changed some Capital letters in (sub)chapter titles to make it consistent throughout the guide.
    - Changed all MoH:AA references to MOHAA within the Guide, as it looks smoother and consistent.
    - Added 'ModTheater Coord Posts' folder to 'Appendix 9 - Coordinates'.
    - Added "MOHAA_RECORDER_1.1.zip" to 'Appendix 13 - Software'.
    - Changed 'Appendix 17 - Map & Skin Database Guide' to 'Appendix 17 - AAAA Database Guide'.
    - Added 'Appendix 29 - Player Model List'.

    Table of Contents
    Introduction	11
    1.	Movement	12
    1.1 Rail Walking	13
    1.2 Backwards Walking	13
    1.3 Unarmed (Holstered) Running	14
    1.4 Dodging	15
    1.5 Feinting/Drawing in Fire	15
    1.6 Clipping	16
    1.7 Selfspeccing	17
    1.8 Jumping	18
    1.8.1 Double Jumping	18
    1.8.2 Slope Jumping	19
    1.9 Ducking/Crouching	19
    1.10 Leaning	20
    2.	Aim	21
    2.1 Quickscoping	21
    2.2 Close Combat Aiming	21
    2.3 Silent Shooting	21
    2.4-A Shooting through Metal	22
    2.4-B Shooting through Metal #2	23
    2.5 Sniper Speed & Aim Differences	24
    2.6 Accuracy and Aim of All Weapons (Realism)	25
    2.7 Accuracy and Aim of All Weapons (Default)	26
    2.8 (Sniper) Rifle Reload Animation Speed	27
    2.9 Burst Fire & Rapid Fire	28
    2.10 Reloading	29
    2.11 Pre-Fire	30
    2.12 Pre-Aiming	31
    2.13 Friendly Fire	32
    2.14 Hitboxes	33
    2.14.1 Kill/Damage Locations & Damage Multipliers	37
    3.	Senses	38
    3.1 Sound (Ears)	38
    3.1.1 Remove Sound	38
    3.1.2 Footsteps	39
    3.1.3 Sound Echo	39
    3.1.4 Absence of Expected Sound	39
    3.1.5 Sound Trickery (Psychology)	39
    3.2 Vision (Eyes)	41
    3.2.1 Force Models	41
    3.2.2 Compass	41
    3.2.3 Health Packs, Weapons & Dead Bodies	41
    3.2.4 Anything out of the Ordinary	41
    3.2.5 Walls/Rooftops/Bug Spots	41
    3.2.6 Keep Track of Opponents	42
    3.2.7 Name of Player Shooting at You	42
    3.2.8 Look at Death Messages	42
    4.	Tactics	43
    4.1 Camping	43
    4.2 Rushing	44
    4.3 Bait	44
    4.4 Knowing your Opponent	45
    4.5 Making the Level Yours	46
    4.6 Teamwork	46
    4.7 General Tips/Tactics	47
    5.	In-game Extras	49
    5.1 TAB (Score Screen)	49
    5.2 HP (Health Points)	50
    5.2.1 Bullet Damage	51
    5.2.2 Means of Death	52
    5.3 Compass	53
    5.4 Force Models	54
    5.5 Objects / Materials	55
    5.6 Time	55
    5.7 Bombs	56
    5.8 Doors	57
    5.8.1 Holding a Door Open with a Gun	57
    5.8.2 Doorblocking	58
    5.8.3 Opening/Closing Doors	59
    5.8.4 Door Closing Times	59
    5.9 Walls	60
    5.10 Call Vote	61
    5.11 Spectator Mode	61
    5.11.1 Enable Spectator Chat-to-All	62
    5.11.2 Spectator Tips & Tricks	62
    5.12 Binoculars	63
    5.13 Ladders	64
    6.	Communication	65
    6.1 In-game Chat	65
    6.2 In-Game Taunts (Instamsg_main)	65
    6.3 X-Fire Chat	65
    6.4 Voice Communication Programs	65
    7.	Traditions	66
    7.1 Bashing	66
    7.2 Duels	66
    7.3 Match 7 Rounds	66
    7.4 Leagues (Ladders & Cups)	67
    7.5 Etiquette	67
    8.	Settings	68
    8.1 Unnamedsoldier.cfg	68
    8.2 Console	68
    8.3 Binds	69
    8.3.1 Toggle	69
    8.3.2 ALT and CTRL Binds	69
    8.3.3 NUMPAD Binds	70
    8.3.4 Taunt Binds	71
    8.3.5 Bind List	72
    8.4 CVARS	74
    8.4.1 Basic Client CVAR List	74
    8.4.2 Screen Resolution CVARs	77
    8.4.3 Max Settings (Highest CVAR Values)	78
    8.4.4 Demo (Recording) Playback CVARs	80
    8.4.5 Basic Admin & Server CVAR List	82
    8.4.6 Reborn CVARs	86
    8.5 Mouse Speed	89
    8.5.1 Mouse Bugs/Fixes	89
    8.6 Keys/Buttons	89
    8.6.1 MOHAA Key Output	89
    8.7 FPS & Ping	92
    8.7.1 Ping Information	93
    8.8 Scripts	94
    8.9 Screenshots	94
    8.9.1 Unable to Locate Screenshots	95
    8.10 Passwords	95
    8.11 File Extensions & Hidden Files	96
    8.12 PK3 & SCR Files	97
    8.13 Coordinates	99
    8.14 Intro (Video) when Starting MOHAA	100
    8.15 DMFLAGS	101
    8.16 Colour Codes	102
    8.17 Client Qconsole.log	103
    8.17.1 Developer Mode	103
    8.17.2 Logfile Options	103
    8.18 Patches & No-CD Crack	104
    9.	Anti-Cheat/Crash	105
    9.1 Anti-Cheat Programs	105
    9.2 Anti-Cheat Patches/Mods	107
    9.3 Anti-Crash Patches/Mods	107
    9.4 Spotting Cheaters	108
    9.5 Auto-Kick Programs & Banning Systems	109
    9.5.1 MOHAA: CI (Counter Intelligence)	109
    9.5.2 CK (CrowKings) Autokick	110
    9.5.3 Scapp-Host	110
    9.5.4 Reborn (1.12) Patch: Kick & Ban System	111
    9.6 Recording Demos	112
    9.6.1 How to Record	112
    9.6.2 Video Editing	112
    9.6.3 MOHAAC Demo Theater	113
    9.7 In-Game Commands	114
    9.8 OPENGL / .DLL Cheats	115
    9.9 Server Qconsole.log	116
    9.9.1 Filter Logs	118
    9.10 Skin/Model Check	121
    9.11 Cheat Skins	122
    9.12 Cheat Indicators	126
    10.	Mods	129
    10.1 Freeze-Tag	129
    10.1.1 Remove Laserbeam and/or Melting Sound	129
    10.1.2 Melting through Objects	130
    10.1.3 When to Melt?	130
    10.1.4 Locating Frozen Bodies (Teammates)	131
    10.2 Capture the Flag	132
    10.2.1 General CTF Tips	132
    10.2.2 CTF Values (Times)	133
    10.3 Survival Horror	134
    10.4 Mods with Mines	134
    10.4.1 General Tips for the Use of Mines	134
    10.5 Base Assault	135
    10.5.1 Creating an Account	135
    10.5.2 How to Buy & Activate Things?	135
    10.5.3 How to Call In an Airstrike and/or Artillery Fire?	135
    10.5.4 General Base Assault Tips	136
    10.6 Escort the Tank	137
    10.6.1 General Escort the Tank Tips	138
    10.7 Useful Admin Mods & Tools	139
    11.	Bug Info & Fixes	140
    11.1 Minimize / Maximize	140
    11.2 Spinning	140
    11.3 Unable to Crouch/Duck & Walk Silent (CTRL & SHIFT Button Not Functioning)	140
    11.4 Screen is Acting Weird	140
    11.5 Blood, Smoke or Glass on Screen	141
    11.6 Coloured Screen	141
    11.7 Buttons/Keys Not Working Anymore	141
    11.8 Weapon Not Showing	141
    11.9 Enable Console	142
    11.10 Players are Flashing/Bugging Around	142
    11.11 Bug Score	142
    11.12 Server Time-Out / Can’t Connect to a Server	143
    11.13 Disconnected from Server	143
    11.14 Duplicate Names	144
    11.15 Hacked Server	144
    11.16 Stuck	145
    11.17 Mouse in Screen	145
    11.18 Popup	145
    11.19 Being Hit without Losing Health	146
    11.20 Getting Teleported	146
    11.21 Slash ( / )	146
    11.22 Getting Kicked for Stufftext Command Cheat / Bypass	146
    11.23 Recoil/Aim Problem	146
    11.24 Sound Bug	147
    11.25 Reborn Auto-Update	147
    11.26 Mods on Server Not Working	147
    11.27 Kicked for Malicious Command	148
    11.28 Keyboard is Mixed Up / @ in Console	148
    11.29 Invisible Players at New Map Start	148
    11.30 Green Bar on Desktop after Game	149
    11.31 The Bridge on the Map ‘The Bridge’ is Invisible	149
    11.32 Pinged Out / 999 Ping	150
    11.33 Unable to Shoot through Window	150
    11.34 MOHAAC Infractions	150
    11.35 No X-Fire or GSC and/or TeamSpeak during MOHAAC	151
    11.36 MOHAAC Installation	151
    11.37 MOHAAC X-RAY	151
    11.38 MOHAAC Announcements	151
    11.39 “MSG_ReadDeltaEntity: unrecognized entity field type 23283 for field 201”	151
    11.40 “MAX_PACKET_USERCMDS”	151
    11.41 “GLW_StartOpenGL() - could not load OpenGL subsystem”	152
    11.41.1 Resolution List & Bug	152
    11.41.2 Check Monitor Resolution	153
    11.42 Windows 7 + 8 Crash Fixes (NVIDIA, ATI & Intel HD Integrated Graphics)	154
    11.42.1 Check which Graphic Card You’re Using	154
    11.43 Player is Holding his Weapon Vertically instead of Horizontally	155
    11.44 Scapp-Host: “Parsing Error”	156
    11.45 Scapp-Host: IP Range Ban Bug	156
    11.46 Scapp-Host: High Ping/Timed Out (999) Kick, Kicks 2 Players instead of 1	157
    11.47 Object through Wall	157
    11.48 Player with 0 HP	157
    11.49 (Sniper) Aim Issue on Servers	158
    11.50 Dead Bodies Not Respawning	158
    11.51 Telefragging	158
    11.52 Telenading	158
    11.53 Map Bugs	159
    11.54 “The US/UK version of MOHAA was not found on your system”	159
    11.55 Vision Radius in (Custom) Map Very Reduced (White Fog)	159
    11.56 No Damage from Grenades	160
    11.57 Player goes Spectate during Clan War/Match	160
    11.58 Player joins Team during a Live Round of a Clan War/Match	160
    11.59 ‘Axis have planted a bomb’ Bug on V2	160
    11.60 CM_LoadMap Error	160
    11.61 Weapon Drops after Switching through Them Fast	161
    11.62 Unable to See Custom (Weapon) Skins	161
    11.63 MOHAA/SH/BT Not Working / Won’t Launch	161
    11.64 Spamming Messages/Taunts	162
    11.65 Anti-Cham HUD Conflicts	162
    11.66 Missing Textures	163
    11.67 Console Error: ‘CG_te_mode_name Temp Emitter Off’	164
    11.68 Manon Playerskin Male Voice Bug	164
    12.	Custom Files	165
    12.1 Map, Skin & Mod Database	165
    12.2 MMDL / PakRadar	166
    12.3 Reborn (1.12) Client-Side Patch	166
    13.	Easter Eggs, Fun Facts & Medals	167
    13.1 Easter Eggs & Fun Facts	167
    13.1.1 (AA) Bazooka Med	167
    13.1.2 (AA) Hidden Level	168
    13.1.3 (AA) Dancing Nazis	168
    13.1.4 (AA) Original MOH Theme Song	168
    13.1.5 (AA) 2015 Developer Quotes	168
    13.1.6 (AA) Save the Sniper!	169
    13.1.7 (AA) Hidden Message in Omaha	169
    13.1.8 (AA) Hidden Messages in Algiers	169
    13.1.9 (AA) Hidden Message in Destroyed Village	170
    13.1.10 (AA) OSS Agent	170
    13.1.11 (AA) Raiders of the Lost Ark	170
    13.1.12 (SH) Dancing Player Models	171
    13.1.13 (BT) Bonus Player Model	171
    13.1.14 MOHAA Mapping Contest	171
    13.2 Medals	172
    13.2.1 AA Medals	172
    13.2.2 SH Medals	173
    13.2.3 BT Medals	174
    14.	Community News	175
    14.1 Master Server Shutdown & Alternatives	175
    14.1.1 Reborn Master Server	175
    14.2 X-Fire Shutdown & Alternatives	176
    14.2.1 GSC	176
    14.2.2 GameTracker Lite	176
    14.2.3 MOH Query Launcher	176
    14.3 GameFront Shutdown & Alternatives	177
    14.4 OpenMOHAA	177
    14.5 MOH-UE4 Project / MOH Rises	177
    15.	Credits	178
    16.	Links	179
    17.	Social Media	183
    18.	Appendix	184

  2. #2
    That looks great Shadow. All nicely organized into categories. Whoever *ahem me* suggested to do that is obviously a genius. lol
    MUCH better than opening a heap of folders named after their respective authors when you are looking for a certain editing aspect of tutorial.

    I promise to take an in-depth read of it when I'm more awake.
    BTW, I was writing a huge tutorial (in a "chm" help file format) covering most everything I know of MOH editing although I haven't added to it for a couple of months now.
    It originated as a help link from my Map Mate program. I should finish it off before starting any new projects.

    EDIT: Oops sorry I thought it was editing tutorials. Shows how tired I am. lol
    Last edited by AccadaccA; 03-23-2018 at 04:25 PM.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by AccadaccA View Post
    That looks great Shadow. All nicely organized into categories. Whoever *ahem me* suggested to do that is obviously a genius. lol
    MUCH better than opening a heap of folders named after their respective authors when you are looking for a certain editing aspect of tutorial.

    I promise to take an in-depth read of it when I'm more awake.
    BTW, I was writing a huge tutorial (in a "chm" help file format) covering most everything I know of MOH editing although I haven't added to it for a couple of months now.
    It originated as a help link from my Map Mate program. I should finish it off before starting any new projects.

    EDIT: Oops sorry I thought it was editing tutorials. Shows how tired I am. lol
    Lmao, yeah this is my MOHAA Guide, not the Tutorials pack xD
    However I uploaded my new Tutorials Pack (V1.3) on xNULL! https://www.x-null.net/forums/showth...OHAA-TUTORIALS
    That one is still organized by Author, for various reasons (1. I don't have the expertise to sort everything into categories, some things are easy ofc. but some are very difficult, 2. I don't want to rip tutorials apart just to separate them into different categories/folders, and I also don't want to copy complete tutorials into different folders.. that would just create a mess and a way larger file size, 3. Most people know tutorials by their author or website (e.g. .MAP, The Rjukan Project, Nemesis Tutorials), 4. I really do not have the time nor patience to categorize everything and figure out what belongs into what category and how to do it).

    However, if anyone wants to categorize it differently, be my guest, I would ofc. welcome it I personally just can't do it.

    Also, to accommodate for better locating of files, I did create a Table of Contents which shows all files in every folder, and every chapter and sometimes subchapter in every document! This should help to increase the 'searchability' of what you're looking for, and you can just browse through it without opening every folder ofc.

    I also spotted your chm file a few weeks ago and added it to that package already

    Anyways, let's keep this post about my Guide only! Haha

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadow View Post
    Lmao, yeah this is my MOHAA Guide, not the Tutorials pack xD
    I also spotted your chm file a few weeks ago and added it to that package already
    Yikes, it's far from being ready. I have made lots of changes since the last upload. :O
    I only uploaded it to help a new mapper I was tutoring.

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadow View Post
    Anyways, let's keep this post about my Guide only! Haha
    If there's one thing you can count on with ol' man Acca is that he'll never stray off topic or hijack a thread. Oh that reminds me of the time ...... lol

    Shadow's guide, Shadow's guide, Shadow's guide, Shadow's guide.

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