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  1. #1

    MAP - 20 New Korean Maps Added!

    So, a bunch of Korean maps have been uploaded to the database! 3 of them were uploaded a few weeks ago already, and I decided to upload the other 17 .
    All but one are DM maps, the other one is OBJ.
    Most of the maps are not serious maps, but made for fun (obstacle course maps, trap maps, cool mechanism maps).

    Name: Piano
    Map Command: dm/RK_piano
    Game Type: DM
    Creator: Rockgo
    Link: http://www.mohaaaa.co.uk/AAAAMOHAA/content/piano
    Description: A small map with an extremely large piano, the keys make sound when you step on them.

    Name: Grenade Basketball
    Map Command: dm/basketball-asdf
    Game Type: DM
    Creator: asdfasdf
    Link: http://www.mohaaaa.co.uk/AAAAMOHAA/c...ade-basketball
    Description: A small map, made to throw grenades into basketball hoops.

    Name: Traps
    Map Command: dm/asdf-traps
    Game Type: DM
    Creator: asdfasdf
    Link: http://www.mohaaaa.co.uk/AAAAMOHAA/content/traps
    Description: A map filled with traps (obstacles).

    Name: AuTbn - Alljutagi 3 (Rope Dancing)
    Map Command: dm/AuTbn_Alljultagi
    Game Type: DM
    Creator: AuT Clan
    Link: http://www.mohaaaa.co.uk/AAAAMOHAA/c...3-rope-dancing
    Description: An obstacle course map, test your movement skills!

    Name: AuTbn - Alljutagi 444 (Rope Dancing)
    Map Command: dm/AuTbn_Jultagi444
    Game Type: DM
    Creator: AuT Clan
    Link: http://www.mohaaaa.co.uk/AAAAMOHAA/c...4-rope-dancing
    Description: Another obstacle course map, test your movement skills!

    Name: AuTbn - Dust 3040
    Map Command: dm/AuTbn_dust3040
    Game Type: DM
    Creator: AuT Clan
    Link: http://www.mohaaaa.co.uk/AAAAMOHAA/c...utbn-dust-3040
    Description: A small TDM close-combat style map.

    Name: AuTbn - Easy Miro (Maze)
    Map Command: dm/AuTbn_EasyMiro
    Game Type: DM
    Creator: AuT Clan
    Link: http://www.mohaaaa.co.uk/AAAAMOHAA/c...easy-miro-maze
    Description: This is a small TDM maze map.

    Name: AuTbn - Swimming Pool
    Map Command: dm/AuTbn_Swimming
    Game Type: DM
    Creator: AuT Clan
    Link: http://www.mohaaaa.co.uk/AAAAMOHAA/c...-swimming-pool
    Description: A small map with a large swimming pool and locker room.

    Name: AuTbn - TV
    Map Command: dm/AuTbn_Tv
    Game Type: DM
    Creator: AuT Clan
    Link: http://www.mohaaaa.co.uk/AAAAMOHAA/content/autbn-tv
    Description: A very small map, made to represent a TV (living room on one side of the map, big window in the middle (representing the TV) and the TV area on the other side). And a Horror film is currently playing.

    Name: Guts - Jay Edition (Rope Dancing)
    Map Command: dm/Guts-Jay_Edition
    Game Type: DM
    Creator: -
    Link: http://www.mohaaaa.co.uk/AAAAMOHAA/c...n-rope-dancing
    Description: A VERY big obstacle course map. Don't fall.. or you'll lose loads of time doing it all again.

    Name: Highschool Night
    Map Command: dm/highschool_night
    Game Type: DM
    Creator: -
    Link: http://www.mohaaaa.co.uk/AAAAMOHAA/c...ghschool-night
    Description: A reasonably big map, representing a large school with lots of classrooms, basketball court and more.

    Name: Horror House (1)
    Map Command: dm/RK_HorroHouse
    Game Type: DM
    Creator: Rockgo
    Link: http://www.mohaaaa.co.uk/AAAAMOHAA/c...horror-house-1
    Description: A small map with one house, full of secret passages and traps.

    Name: Jay Mugunghwa
    Map Command: dm/Jaymugunghwa
    Game Type: DM
    Creator: -
    Link: http://www.mohaaaa.co.uk/AAAAMOHAA/c.../jay-mugunghwa
    Description: A very small map, just one large stroke basically. Shooting from one side to the other.

    Name: Ordeal of Bomb
    Map Command: dm/ordeal_of_bomb-asdf
    Game Type: DM
    Creator: asdfasdf
    Link: http://www.mohaaaa.co.uk/AAAAMOHAA/content/ordeal-bomb
    Description: A fun little map, 2 people needed to play (minimum).
    There's a little car in the map, and a button on the other side.. as soon as you press the button, a bomber plane flies by and bombs the hell out of the map. If you're in the little car, you'll have to press E to start driving and at the end, jump in a ditch and hopefully you'll survive the bombing!

    Name: Pa Ri Che 2 (Fly Swatter)
    Map Command: dm/pa_ri_che_2-asdf
    Game Type: DM
    Creator: asdfasdf
    Link: http://www.mohaaaa.co.uk/AAAAMOHAA/c...-2-fly-swatter
    Description: A fun little map.
    One team controls the fly swatter (you can smash people with a huge block, by pressing a button).

    Name: Subway
    Map Command: dm/rk_subway
    Game Type: DM
    Creator: Rockgo
    Link: http://www.mohaaaa.co.uk/AAAAMOHAA/content/subway
    Description: A map of a subway station with moving subway trains.

    Name: Swiss
    Map Command: dm/swiss
    Game Type: DM
    Creator: Seo_Si
    Link: http://www.mohaaaa.co.uk/AAAAMOHAA/content/swiss
    Description: A map of a small town high in the mountains.

    Name: Whip Battle (Bash Stadium)
    Map Command: dm/Rk_WhipBattle
    Game Type: DM
    Creator: Rockgo
    Link: http://www.mohaaaa.co.uk/AAAAMOHAA/c...e-bash-stadium
    Description: A small and cool bash arena map.

    Name: Warehouse (Sudden Attack)
    Map Command: dm/warehouse
    Game Type: DM
    Creator: TeamKBO Sansururia
    Link: http://www.mohaaaa.co.uk/AAAAMOHAA/c...-sudden-attack
    Description: A small Warehouse (close combat) map.

    Name: 3rd Warehouse
    Map Command: obj/3rd_warehouse_daylight_allied
    Game Type: OBJ
    Creator: TeamKBO Sansururia
    Link: http://www.mohaaaa.co.uk/AAAAMOHAA/c.../3rd-warehouse
    Description: An objective style warehouse map. 4 versions are included within this file (allied, axis, day & night).

  2. #2
    Administrator Major_A's Avatar
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    Jul 2016
    Huntington, IN USA
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    Just in time!

    I needed new maps for packs.

  3. #3
    cool, some new maps to check out

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