Hi all - at the present stage I am very busy with home life so have not had the pleasure in the last 6 months of playing our loved game - Ubersoldier has been a fantastic support and kept it all running for us all and I have only been involved in major issues where my support was requred... which is normally from attacks
I will as always support this but at present we are running at a loss - after I have paid in £20 each month their is a short fall of another £20 which I have also been paying in as I am not active at present ask all the users players to support AAAA as feel at present I am paying for hosting when not playing
We have many supporters here - but I see the same old faces paying and many other users not paying we just ask for all to pay a small amount to help but for me after this year I will not be paying in more than £15 a month which will leave £25 short fall - as its all in my name I will not continue and will offer to hand it over to someone who can support it beeter than me on the finance side
Please help its none profit but can keep funding short falls from my own pocket its not just hosting but the server that this runs off for the database is funded also
many thanks to all have paid in for so long to support !!!