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  1. #1

    trigger mustard gas in SH

    Hey guys, im having trouble with an old script ruckus had that spawns mustard gas..It works, but smoke doesnt kill you. Ive swapped the tik files around and either smoke works and doesnt hurt, or no smoke at all...wondering if its not possible. Another idea guess could attach a killer trigger to the smoke

  2. #2
    Administrator Major_A's Avatar
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    Try it with a working mustard gas mod.
    Killalot or I can send it if you don't have it.

    you may have done that now that I reread what you typed.
    maybe something else got missed?

    edit edit
    check RDG-1_Smoke_grenadeExplosion_base.txt
    the means of death is there.
    Last edited by Major_A; 08-26-2017 at 05:48 PM.

  3. #3
    yeah, ive got the mod in Major..Ive tried redoing the tik files, even making the bast.text file into another model. dont think spawning a model with the kill trigger already in it will work. Going to have to somehow spawn a death trigger inside the smoke i guess...im out of options lol

  4. #4
    Keep your map away from dairy products. It is obviously lactose intolerant with that amount of gas problems. lol
    Maybe you have remnants from that fridge map of yours.

    Sorry mate, I couldn't resist.
    I hope you get it worked out soon. And thanks again for helping me solve my map issues.

  5. #5
    Administrator Major_A's Avatar
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    He solved it, can't remember what he said, "DAMN" it was just a little bit ago lol,
    but if we have some new trap maps coming, maybe he'll tell us for documentation....lol it was a trigger of some sort, but worked real neat.

  6. #6
    here is what i did Major, and the fx_gas.tik i had to make to work on server with the mustard gas mod, otherwise no smoke...lol

    $gas2trig setthread smoke
    $gas2trig message " 2nd floor Gas on "
    local.trig wait 1
    local.trig delay 0

    $gas2trig nottriggerable
    local.smoketrig wait 0
    local.smoke = spawn "models/fx/fx_mgas.tik" targetname "smoke2"
    local.smoke.origin = ( 624 268 238 )
    local.smoke = spawn "models/fx/fx_mgas.tik" targetname "smoke2"
    local.smoke.origin = ( 894 177 243 )
    local.smoke = spawn "models/fx/fx_mgas.tik" targetname "smoke2"
    local.smoke.origin = ( 1557 662 240 )
    local.smoke = spawn "models/fx/fx_mgas.tik" targetname "smoke2"
    local.smoke.origin = ( 513 -295 240 )
    local.smoke = spawn "models/fx/fx_mgas.tik" targetname "smoke2"
    local.smoke.origin = ( 278 1519 231 )
    local.trig = spawn trigger_multiple "targetname" "smoke2"
    local.trig.origin = ( 624 268 238 )
    local.trig setsize ( -100 -100 -10 ) ( 100 100 80 )
    local.trig setthread burn
    local.trig wait .5
    local.trig = spawn trigger_multiple "targetname" "smoke2"
    local.trig.origin = ( 894 177 243 )
    local.trig setsize ( -100 -100 -10 ) ( 100 100 80 )
    local.trig setthread burn
    local.trig wait .5
    local.trig = spawn trigger_multiple "targetname" "smoke2"
    local.trig.origin = ( 1557 662 240 )
    local.trig setsize ( -150 -150 -10 ) ( 150 150 80 )
    local.trig setthread burn
    local.trig wait .5
    local.trig = spawn trigger_multiple "targetname" "smoke2"
    local.trig.origin = ( 513 -295 240 )
    local.trig setsize ( -100 -100 -10 ) ( 100 100 80 )
    local.trig setthread burn
    local.trig wait .5
    local.trig = spawn trigger_multiple "targetname" "smoke2"
    local.trig.origin = ( 278 1519 231 )
    local.trig setsize ( -100 -100 -10 ) ( 100 100 80 )
    local.trig setthread burn
    local.trig wait .5
    wait 38
    $gas2trig triggerable
    $smoke2 nottriggerable

    local.player = parm.other
    local.player hurt 5 fire //how much damage per trigger

  7. #7
    Administrator Major_A's Avatar
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    Great to have!

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