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  1. #31
    Oh, sorry I forgot that you compiled a scorch mark.
    Yes, I would then have to agree with you.
    I'm glad I checked here before bed. I uploaded the log file but forgot to attach it to the email.
    No, I didn't see anything unusual.
    BTW, by skipping the verbose output for the Vis wouldn't matter as its obviously in the light phase if anything.
    When Major_A compiled uks_stadt for me he didn't do the light phase due to it erring and naturally it was free of scorch marks.

    Hmm, tweaking the platform lights sounds interesting. I can't wait to see it.
    Your tips on lightmapdensity has already made a world of difference to the shadows.
    I actually tried to give the platform lights a spotlight type of effect, I've done it in the warehouse and they look great now. Just the light hitting the ground in a circle, not the floating dust particles.
    But with the platform I noticed the light shades weren't lit. After moving the light entities a few times I deleted them and settled for default ones before realizing it was the models used.

  2. #32
    The models are more likely to light properly with '-final' compile, so it could be that too .

    Good to know though. I did notice when compiling your map you have:

    ****************** ERROR ******************
    LoadPortals: NumVisBytes 19990088 exceeds 2097152

    Which means you have too much VIS data. Remember when I mentioned the structural brushes? You have too many I think. You need to make all of them (apart from skybox) detail.

    Edit: No, sorry, the custom coronas were causing it... How strange...

    Emailed you my update. The coronas work now, check out the platform, and I lowered the lightmapdensity in the train car as a test too. Your lamp and flame is a nice touch, I really like it . I remember seeing that model in the first mission of AA, but never had an excuse to use it

    I've not seen any scorch marks personally from any of my compiles... If you spot any let me know.
    Last edited by 1337Smithy; 01-18-2018 at 09:00 PM.

  3. #33
    You had me scratching my head then.
    I have added a lot to the map since the version you have and my compile log says "visdatasize:662696"
    My map is almost completely green, 99% detail. lol

    Shit that is strange that the custom coronas would do that.

  4. #34
    Sorry I missed this line.
    Quote Originally Posted by 1337Smithy View Post
    I've not seen any scorch marks personally from any of my compiles... If you spot any let me know.
    Yes, I have seen scorch marks on both of your compiles.
    In the alcove between the two brick buildings as I pointed out in my email...


    ... and now also on the tanker carriages in front of the platform with your second compile.


    If you can't see them in game then we are back to it being a hardware issue.

    Perhaps your previous post was a typo but its now getting confusing as to whether you see them or not.

    Quote Originally Posted by 1337Smithy View Post
    The fact I could see them, and apparently my compile created them elsewhere, and that I've never had this problem on my maps, suggests it's to do with the map rather than hardware. At the very least it would have to be a combination...
    Are you saying that you have seen them in my compiles but not your own compiles?

    At present they are minimal and one is particularly well camouflaged by the darkness.
    That one (between buildings) is always there. I'm afraid if I remake the brush the scorching will move to a more obvious place on the map in a well lit area.
    I am happy with the map right now as it is.

  5. #35
    Yeah, they are normal. That is definitely not the problem you had on the platform. I get those on my map too, especially when patches overlap or patches and brushes or patches and terrain. There are ways to mitigate the effect, including playing with density settings, breaking up the offending architecture into smaller pieces etc...

    I think what it is, is the patch around the outside of the main tank is creating a shadow, and because the lightmapdensity of the tank surface is so high, the shadow map is quite wide thus creating unrealistic effects. Lowering the lightmapdensity of the tank will reduce the effect (not remove it entirely). In fact, if you were to split the tank up into separate patches, with nothing behind those outside patches, you'd probably not get that effect, because there's nothing behind to cast a shadow on. It's a common flaw in the engine, and something different to what we saw on the platform, which were very unusual and severe (they actually looked like scorch marks). I've not seen them since I did the first compile..

    Edit: Yep, just quickly changed the tank surfaces (not the patch wrapped around them) to a lightmapdensity of 4 and recompiled. The effect is hardly noticeable with a very small shadow at the seams. Like I said, not having a patch surface directly behind the outside patchwork will remove it entirely (probably :P). But that seems like a lot of work for little gain, when you could just use the lightmapdensity surface settings instead...
    Last edited by 1337Smithy; 01-19-2018 at 07:30 AM.

  6. #36
    I've tried changing the lightmapdensity properties of the main cylinder of the tanker carriages without any luck.
    It seems it doesn't apply to patches (for me) as I have also tried to do the tanker ladders without any luck.
    I changed it to "4" then saved and checked it again and it was on "default". I did this several times between the two tankers.
    Although your last compile showed shadows of the ladder. maybe you used caulk_shadow there?

  7. #37
    Nope, I only changed the lightmapdensity on the tank behind the ladder. Make sure to click your middle mouse button (scroll wheel) on the tank surface (while properties is up, though the window doesn't have to be present at the time) to load the info into the window, then select the patch and change density and apply . Just selecting patches normally doesn't give you their surface info, so it's possible that you've changed them unknowingly. Remember, click your mouse wheel over any surface (brush or otherwise) to get its surface info.

    Also, loading the surface info into the window before you make any changes to the properties prevents the textures changing when you apply, because without that info loaded it will apply whatever you have in the property window.

    Edit: In fact, could you make the strut around the outside of the tank not cast a shadow by changing its surface parameters? Maybe 'translucent' param? That paired with the lower lightmapdensity around the main cylinder may remove it entirely, whilst keep nice shadows for ladders and other lighting .
    Last edited by 1337Smithy; 01-19-2018 at 10:25 AM.

  8. #38
    Yeah mate, that's how I have been selecting all surfaces (middle mouse button), regardless of whether its a patch or brush.
    I learned early that changing the density value without per-selecting the texture changes it. lol

    That's a good idea to make the straps a higher parameter or even translucent. Smart thinking 99.
    I've just tried again (tanker barrels 4, straps translucent) and it simply won't apply the changes when I go back and check each surface after saving.


    BTW, I tried the custom coronas on all of my red and green lights. They didn't hamper the compile at all (VisNumBytes) however they were all out by about 32 units from where I placed them and I wasn't all that fussed at the results so I deleted them all again.
    Just thought to let you know that they didn't screw with my compile.
    Shit, that reminds me, I forgot to delete the ones in the tunnel system.
    Last edited by AccadaccA; 01-19-2018 at 11:05 AM.

  9. #39
    The patches are definitely selected? I can do it no problem.

    'Selecting' patches isn't done via middle mouse button, their surface info is loaded. So you have to do both

    Edit: Like I said before, are you giving coronas angles? Don't give coronas angles as it messes their position up.
    Last edited by 1337Smithy; 01-19-2018 at 11:07 AM.

  10. #40
    Each time I select them (middle mouse button/wheel) Radiant prints it that I have selected surface info.

    Now you're just showing off. lol


    Yeah I may have turned them 90 degrees to match my catwalk lights. Sorry, I forgot.
    I'll go sit in the naughty corner now.

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