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  1. #1

    Clanbase is back!

    is now

    Awww, who doesnt remember the good old days of Clanbase and its ladder/cup matches for Mohaa/CoD and several other games
    The chase after the gold, silver or bronze ladders or even the cups, was such a nice time.
    Well they are back! and its called Scrimbase.
    Like so many others in the fps community the people behind Scrimbase, wich are also old players from the clanbase days, feel the same so they came up with a similar setup to get time back we all had on clanbase.
    They just started couple months ago i found out but they are growing fast.
    If u dont see the ladder yet that u wanna play on then u can request it aswell and with enough interest they create the ladder for u.

    defo worth to check it out and sign up with your clan and play some matches, with the 2 upcomming games, Battalion and Days of War it really seems we go back in time and gives us something that the community is so eager to have again.


  2. #2
    Administrator heatsinkbod's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Icey View Post
    is now

    Awww, who doesnt remember the good old days of Clanbase and its ladder/cup matches for Mohaa/CoD and several other games
    The chase after the gold, silver or bronze ladders or even the cups, was such a nice time.
    Well they are back! and its called Scrimbase.
    Like so many others in the fps community the people behind Scrimbase, wich are also old players from the clanbase days, feel the same so they came up with a similar setup to get time back we all had on clanbase.
    They just started couple months ago i found out but they are growing fast.
    If u dont see the ladder yet that u wanna play on then u can request it aswell and with enough interest they create the ladder for u.

    defo worth to check it out and sign up with your clan and play some matches, with the 2 upcomming games, Battalion and Days of War it really seems we go back in time and gives us something that the community is so eager to have again.


    Hry thanks for the info for sre the clans here will check out !!

  3. #3
    your welcome would be great to have all those matches again like we used to have on clanbase, perhaps even a custom map ladder is possible with enough clans signing up for it.
    atm there quite alot of mohaa matches each day going on i saw so the game is still going strong.

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