Some people have them, some don't. Sometimes the simple stuff is fun to play with.
This makes a pretty decent template if you want to make your own.
I also use it with things like test screens, so the dmscoreboard is renamed
so it looks normal for you.
This one has a menu here
The next menu screen has varying servers and button styles you can connect with
Crossbow & Uzi Weapons
early version
Here is a link to my current Spearhead server weapons file that contains a working Crossbow & Uzi.
These are added weapons along side your stock weapons and also everyone gets them as they are currently set up
as secondary weapons and you access them under the default pistol key.
The Crossbow is set to shoot 5 times then reload currently, right click zoom.
The Uzi, left click spray
I've been thinking on how to do this for awhile now and whether to do it in a forum thread or not, but forum threads can get messy so I'm doing this in hopes others will either create their own blog, OR send me stuff to post. I just need a functional version.
If we don't share, how will anyone come up with a cool idea if they don't have something to modify into something else that does something else cool? hahaha
To start, I think it was back in 2008 I
Although this works on Day of defeat:Source bsp's, this is more of something encountered in the TF2 maps.
Find a TF2 Map .bsp file and use BSPSource to convert .bsp to a .vmf file.
Open Jackhammer, load the .vfm file, then goto File the export to map, that's your .map file
Now, it took several tries to figure out wtf was going
For over 10 years I've had a account.
For those that don't know, photobucket will generate the code so you can post images
in forums, or anywhere else really, with copy and paste code.
I've been helping another guy with online storage and showed him dropbox...he loves it.
But then he kind of had a snag when it came to images.
For over 10 years, as of today my photobucket account was at
26% usage with the free signup of 2GB