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About <T|F|B>The Beaver

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About <T|F|B>The Beaver
Hello everyone, my name is Chip, I also go by the usernames Beaver and Sinpy. I'm from Indiana, USA I've been playing MOH ever since I was a kid. I'm currently a member with the Clan (The Forgotten battalion). I've been in the clan for four years now. I used to be a member of the {Dogg. P} clan (The Dogg Pound) till their server went down and was forced to make a new one with our clan leader The Shadow. I know few things about scripting and editing MOH files, but I'm mostly into map making. I haven't ever finished a map yet due to so many Ideas for other maps. But I haven't given up on them yet....I'll get one finished some day.
Few other things about... My favorite weapon is the Enfield L42a1 yes, I'm a breakthrough user. My top three maps Gewitter, Flughafer and the crossroads. I like to play Liberation and basebuilder with airplanes long as there aren't any OP guns. I'm shocked I got this far with my poor grammar skills. So If you have any other questions, feel free to send me a message.
Furry Stuff, Lights and building/fixing things
used be firefighter, currenty surviving


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01-04-2023 10:39 PM
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