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Thoughts, Rants & Insanity

Mod Candy for You! part 1

Rating: 2 votes, 2.00 average.
I've been thinking on how to do this for awhile now and whether to do it in a forum thread or not, but forum threads can get messy so I'm doing this in hopes others will either create their own blog, OR send me stuff to post. I just need a functional version.

If we don't share, how will anyone come up with a cool idea if they don't have something to modify into something else that does something else cool? hahaha

To start, I think it was back in 2008 I did my first cool map mod I was pretty proud of as it was something I started on my own and got it completed.
Had help of coarse as I still only know just enough to be dangerous lol.
You can probly find the original post on modtheatre but I'm not sure if I'd done anything to it since then so I'm posting the current version.

Since exploding barrels cannot be added to a map "didn't know why at the time" but had to have a replacement...who doesn't like blowing s**t up in a map right?

Majors Boom Boxes or whatever you want to explode.... with killcredit
These respawn underground and move up to prevent someone getting stuck in a respawning box.

This example is for Southern France in map .scr

level waitTill prespawn
thread boomcrate1    //( 149.889 -332.371 16.125 ) (0 0 0)     // courtyard

///////////////new boom boxes//////////////////

//(spawnflags 128) bullets only
//(spawnflags 144) respond to granades and rocket as well



   level.crate1 = spawn script_model 
   level.crate1 model "models/static/indycrate.tik" 
   level.crate1.origin = ( 149.889 -332.371 16.125 ) + ( 0 0 -45 ) //-64 for crate on end
   level.crate1.angles = (0 0 0) 

   level.crate1 time 5.0 //0.001
   level.crate1 moveUp 45 //64 
   level.crate1 move
//   level.crate1.rotatey 5
//   level.crate1.rotatedbbox = 1

   local.trigger = spawn trigger_multiple "spawnflags" "144" 
   local.trigger.origin =  ( 149.889 -332.371 16.125 )
   local.trigger setsize ( -27 -38 -49) (27 38 49) 

//   local.trigger.rotatedbbox = 1
   local.trigger.angles = (0 0 0)
// local.trigger immune grenade
// local.trigger immune fire
   local.trigger waittill trigger
   local.killer = parm.other

for(local.person = 1; local.person <= $player.size;local.person++)
       if(vector_within local.trigger.origin $player[local.person].origin 250)
          {$player[local.person] damage local.killer 200 local.killer (0 0 0) (0 0 0) (0 0 0) 0 1 9 -1}
local.trigger remove

thread boom1

level.crate1 remove

wait 30 //20

local.boom1 = spawn script_model model models/animate/explosion_bridge.tik
local.boom1.origin = level.crate1.origin 
local.boom1.scale = .2
local.boom1 playsound gas_explode1
local.boom1 anim start
radiusdamage local.boom1 155 155
wait 3
//local.boom1 remove


My Jetpack design:

The function is the same as Cobra's original jetpack, I just changed the models from the single gasbottle to multiple objects to look more jetpacky lol

//modified by major
//ex for map     exec global/jetpack.scr ( -262.70 -188.87 721.13 ) //in Destroyed village tank road top floor

main local.jetpack:
if(getcvar "jetpacks" != "1")

exec global/DVjetpacks.scr

// thread packplace

     local.master = spawn scriptMaster 
       local.master aliascache jetpack sound/mechanics/Mec_SteamLoop_01.wav soundparms 2.0 0.3 1.0 0.0 320 2200 item loaded maps "m dm obj "

local.airtank = spawn script_model targetname light1
local.airtank model "models/static/static_airtank.tik"
local.airtank.origin = ( local.jetpack ) 
local.airtank.scale = -200 //.5
local.airtank light 0 1 0 50 
//$light1 light 0 1 0 50
local.airtank notsolid
local.airtank rotatey 100
local.airtank rotatez 100
local.airtank rotatex 100

local.trig = spawn trigger_use targetname jet_trig1 //multiple
local.trig.origin = ( local.jetpack ) 
local.trig setsize ( -50 -50 -50 ) ( 50 50 50 )
local.trig setthread jetpack
local.trig wait .5
local.trig delay 0

//local.trig setthread jetpack
//local.trig setthread jet_trig1

//local.trig = local.trig2 
//local.trig2 setthread jetpack

//local.player = parm.other
//local.jet setthread jetpack
//$jet_trig1 nottriggerable
//$light1 hide

//      wait 120

//$light1 show
//$jet_trig1 triggerable


local.player = parm.other

if(local.player.pack == 1)

local.player.pack = 1

local.team = local.player.dmteam

local.fuel = 100   //change fuel amount here  (.5 increments)  Fuelbar will only show amounts 100 and lower

local.player iprint "Press jump key to thrust up from ground." 1
local.player iprint "Press USE key (E) to thrust forward and up." 1
//local.player stufftext "say I have a Jetpack!"

/////////////////////////////////////Thanks Elgan///////////Why re-invent the Wheel?////////////////////////////////////

    //local.model = "models/static/static_airtank.tik"
    local.model = "models/AMMO/us_bomb.tik" //"targetname" "xbling"

    local.player attachmodel local.model "Bip01 Spine" 0.5 ("Pairtank" + local.player.entnum ) 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 ( 10 -5 3 ) //( 25 -5 3 )
    $("Pairtank" + local.player.entnum ).angles = ( 180 90 0 ) //( 270 0 4 )
    local.player attachmodel local.model "Bip01 Spine" 0.5 ("Pairtank2" + local.player.entnum ) 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 ( 10 -5 -4 ) //( 25 -5 -4 )
    $("Pairtank2" + local.player.entnum ).angles = ( 180 90 0 ) //( 270 0 3 )

    local.model = "emitters/pipe_steam.tik"
     local.player attachmodel local.model "Bip01 Spine" 0.1 ("tankemitter" + local.player.entnum ) 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 ( 0 -10 3 )
    $("tankemitter" + local.player.entnum ).angles = ( -15 -180 0 )

    local.model = "models/static/static_tempgauge.tik"
     local.player attachmodel local.model "Bip01 Spine" 0.4 ("Pairtank3" + local.player.entnum ) 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 ( 15 -6 -1 )
    $("Pairtank3" + local.player.entnum ).angles = ( 180 90 90 )

    local.model = "emitters/pipe_steam.tik"
     local.player attachmodel local.model "Bip01 Spine" 0.1 ("tankemitter2" + local.player.entnum ) 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 ( 0 -10 -4 )
    $("tankemitter2" + local.player.entnum ).angles = ( 15 -180 0 )
    local.smoke  = $("tankemitter" + local.player.entnum )

    local.smoke2 = $("tankemitter2" + local.player.entnum )
    $("Pairtank" + local.player.entnum ).smoke = ( local.smoke::local.smoke2 )

//added by major
    $("Pairtank" + local.player.entnum ).twin3 = $("Pairtank3" + local.player.entnum )
    $("Pairtank" + local.player.entnum ).twin = $("Pairtank2" + local.player.entnum )

    local.player.jetpack = $("Pairtank" + local.player.entnum )


    local.player gravity .07

    local.player stufftext ("centerprint You-Have-A-Jetpack")

    local.player stufftext ("set fuel " + local.fuel)
    local.player stufftext ("globalwidgetcommand charliesector title Fuel:" + local.fuel)

    local.player stufftext "globalwidgetcommand bastogne1 shader townhallwindow"
    local.player stufftext "globalwidgetcommand bastogne1 fgcolor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00"
    local.player stufftext "globalwidgetcommand bastogne1 bgcolor 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.00"
    local.player stufftext "globalwidgetcommand bastogne1 fadein 0"
    local.player stufftext "globalwidgetcommand bastogne1 menu bastogne1 640 480 NONE 0"
    local.player stufftext "globalwidgetcommand bastogne1 virtualres 1" 
    local.player stufftext "globalwidgetcommand bastogne1 fullscreen 1" 

    local.player stufftext "globalwidgetcommand june6 borderstyle NONE"
    local.player stufftext "globalwidgetcommand june6 shader textures/hud/healthback"
    local.player stufftext "globalwidgetcommand june6 rect 16 420 16 64"
    local.player stufftext "globalwidgetcommand june6 fgcolor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00"
    local.player stufftext "globalwidgetcommand june6 bgcolor 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00"
    local.player stufftext "globalwidgetcommand june6 linkcvar fuel"
//    local.player stufftext ("globalwidgetcommand june6 statbar vertical 0 " + level.jetpack_max_fuel )
// fix by major
    local.player stufftext "globalwidgetcommand june6 statbar vertical 0 100

    local.player stufftext "globalwidgetcommand june6 statbar_shader textures/hud/potentialhealthmeter"
    local.player stufftext "globalwidgetcommand june6 statbar_shader_flash textures/hud/healthmeterflash"

    local.player stufftext "globalwidgetcommand bastogne2 fgcolor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00"
    local.player stufftext "globalwidgetcommand bastogne2 bgcolor 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.00"
    local.player stufftext "globalwidgetcommand bastogne2 fadein 0"
//    local.player stufftext "globalwidgetcommand bastogne2 menu dday2 640 480 NONE 0"
// major fix
    local.player stufftext "globalwidgetcommand bastogne2 menu bastogne2 640 480 NONE 0"

    local.player stufftext "globalwidgetcommand bastogne2 virtualres 1" 
    local.player stufftext "globalwidgetcommand bastogne2 fullscreen 1" 

    local.player stufftext "globalwidgetcommand charliesector borderstyle NONE"
    local.player stufftext "globalwidgetcommand charliesector textalign left center" //was left
    local.player stufftext "globalwidgetcommand charliesector rect 40 470 150 20"
    local.player stufftext "globalwidgetcommand charliesector fgcolor 0.70 0.60 0.05 1.00"
    local.player stufftext "globalwidgetcommand charliesector bgcolor 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00"
    local.player stufftext "globalwidgetcommand charliesector linkcvar fuel"
    local.player stufftext "globalwidgetcommand charliesector font facfont-20"
//major fix
    local.player stufftext ("globalwidgetcommand charliesector title Fuel:" + local.fuel)

    local.player stufftext "globalwidgetcommand charliesector shader townhallwindow"              
    //clear things just incase

    local.player stufftext "hidemenu credits1"
    local.player stufftext "globalwidgetcommand credits2 name credits1"

    //now we deal with credits1
    //setup credits to use the inner credits1
    //first setup the credits1
    local.player stufftext "globalwidgetcommand credits1 align left center" //bottom" 

    //self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand credits1 virtualres 1" 
    //self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand credits1 fullscreen 1" 
    //self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand credits1 rect 0 0 640 480"
    //self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand credits1 fgcolor 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00"
    //self stufftext "globalwidgetcommand credits1 bgcolor 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00"

    //change outer name to credits2
    local.player stufftext "globalwidgetcommand credits1 name credits2"    

    //now we can change the inner credits1

    local.player stufftext "globalwidgetcommand credits1 fgcolor 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00"
    local.player stufftext "globalwidgetcommand credits1 bgcolor 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00"
    local.player stufftext "globalwidgetcommand credits1 shader townhallwindow"
    local.player stufftext "globalwidgetcommand credits1 textalign left center" //was left
    local.player stufftext "globalwidgetcommand credits1 rect 10 270 150 20"
    local.player stufftext "globalwidgetcommand credits1 fgcolor 0.70 0.60 0.05 1.00"
    local.player stufftext "globalwidgetcommand credits1 bgcolor 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00"
    local.player stufftext "globalwidgetcommand credits1 linkcvar fuel" //_message"
    local.player stufftext "globalwidgetcommand credits1 font facfont-20"

    local.player stufftext "showmenu bastogne2"
    local.player stufftext "showmenu bastogne1"
//    local.player stufftext "showmenu credits1"

//    self stufftext ("set fuel_message Jetpack")
//    self stufftext ("set fuel " + level.jetpack_max_fuel )

while (1)



local.player stufftext ("set fuel " + local.fuel)
local.player stufftext ("globalwidgetcommand charliesector title Fuel:" + local.fuel)

if(local.player.dmteam == "spectator" && local.player.pack == 1 || local.player.dmteam != local.team)
local.player stoploopsound
local.player.jetpack.smoke[1] delete
local.player.jetpack.smoke[2] delete

local.player.jetpack.twin3 delete
local.player.jetpack.twin delete
local.player.jetpack delete
local.player gravity 1
local.player.pack = 0
local.player stufftext "hidemenu bastogne2" //"hidemenu dday2"
local.player stufftext "hidemenu bastogne1" //"hidemenu dday1"

//local.player stufftext "hidemenu charliesector"

local.player iprint "You no longer have a Jetpack." 1

if(local.fuel == 0  && local.player.pack == 1)
local.player stoploopsound
local.player.jetpack.smoke[1] delete
local.player.jetpack.smoke[2] delete

local.player.jetpack.twin3 delete
local.player.jetpack.twin delete
local.player.jetpack delete
local.player gravity 1
local.player.pack = 0
local.player stufftext "hidemenu bastogne2" //"hidemenu dday2"
local.player stufftext "hidemenu bastogne1" //"hidemenu dday1"

//local.player stufftext "hidemenu charliesector"

local.player iprint "You are out of Fuel." 1

if(local.player.health <= 0)
local.player stoploopsound
local.player.jetpack.smoke[1] delete
local.player.jetpack.smoke[2] delete

local.player.jetpack.twin3 delete
local.player.jetpack.twin delete
local.player.jetpack delete
local.player gravity 1
local.player.pack = 0
local.player stufftext "hidemenu bastogne2" //"hidemenu dday2"
local.player stufftext "hidemenu bastogne1" //"hidemenu dday1"

//local.player stufftext "hidemenu charliesector"

local.player iprint "You no longer have a Jetpack." 1

if (local.player.useheld == 1)
local.player.jetpack.smoke[1].scale = 1.0
local.player.jetpack.smoke[2].scale = 1.0
local.player.velocity += local.player.forwardvector * 70
local.player.velocity += self.upvector * 50
local.player loopsound jetpack


local.player.jetpack.smoke[1].scale = 0.2
local.player.jetpack.smoke[2].scale = 0.2
local.player stoploopsound jetpack

wait .5



Spawn the wall decoration


// Tank road top floor
local.usbL = spawn script_model model models/AMMO/us_bomb.tik origin ( -3568.93 -629.53 510.13 ) //( 46.22 1173.13 86.13 )
local.usbL.angles = ( 180 0 90 ) 
local.usbL scale .75
local.usbL notsolid

local.gaugeMallied2 = spawn script_model model models/static/static_tempgauge.tik origin ( -3566.93 -622.53 517.13 ) //( 40.00 1175.13 97.13 ) 
local.gaugeMallied2.angles = ( 0 0 0 ) 
local.gaugeMallied2 scale .6
local.gaugeMallied2 notsolid

local.usbR = spawn script_model model models/AMMO/us_bomb.tik origin ( -3568.93 -616.53 510.13 ) //( 33.22 1173.13 86.13 ) 
local.usbR.angles = ( 180 0 90 ) 
local.usbR scale .75
local.usbR notsolid


The Magic Box
The Magic Box refills grenades, smoke grenades, gives faster runspeed and adds a 25 hit point boost!
AH, but wait, there's more!
The compass bearings point to the boxes. As one gets used, it respawns in another location in the map.
If that wasn't enough...It's boobytrapped as well!
Only grab it when the electricity is off

level waittill spawn
//magic box
exec global/DV_magic_box_nades.scr


// set the locations of the items
local.spot1 = ( -1937.71 -1597.70 16.13) //tank road 1st middle building by ladder
local.spot2 = ( -698.76 598.36 576.13) //top of church back roof
local.spot3 = ( -1140.88 -3119.29 8.16) //NE side of map by 2 level wall

// Set up box 1
local.box1 = spawn script_model model "models/static/indycrate.tik" origin local.spot1 "targetname" "magic_box"
local.bug1 = spawn script_model model "models/emitters/electric_arc.tik" origin (local.spot1 + (0 0 10)) scale 2
local.bug1 hide

local.trig1 = spawn trigger_use origin local.spot1
local.trig1 setsize ( -25 -5 0) ( 25 25 96)       //( -5 -5 0) ( 5 5 96)
local.trig1 notTriggerable

// Set up box 2
local.box2 = spawn script_model model "models/static/indycrate.tik" origin local.spot2 "targetname" "magic_box"
local.bug2 = spawn script_model model "models/emitters/electric_arc.tik" origin (local.spot2 + (0 0 10)) scale 2
local.bug2 hide

local.trig2 = spawn trigger_use origin local.spot2
local.trig2 setsize ( -25 -25 0) ( 25 25 96)       //( -5 -5 0) ( 5 5 96)
local.trig2 notTriggerable

// Set up box 3
local.box3 = spawn script_model model "models/static/indycrate.tik" origin local.spot3 "targetname" "magic_box"
local.bug3 = spawn script_model model "models/emitters/electric_arc.tik" origin (local.spot3 + (0 0 10)) scale 2
local.bug3 hide

local.trig3 = spawn trigger_use origin local.spot3
local.trig3 setsize ( -25 -25 0) ( 25 25 96)       //( -5 -5 0) ( 5 5 96)
local.trig3 notTriggerable

$magic_box hide
$magic_box notsolid


level.move_box = 0

local.box1 show
local.box1 solid

local.trig1 triggerable
set_objective_pos local.box1 // makes compass objective marker point to box

while !(level.move_box)
local.bug1 show
wait .2
local.trig1 setThread bad_stuff
wait 3

local.bug1 hide
wait .2
local.trig1 setThread good_stuff
wait 3

level.move_box = 0

local.box2 show
local.box2 solid

local.trig2 triggerable
set_objective_pos local.box2 // makes compass objective marker point to box

while !(level.move_box)
local.bug2 show
wait .2
local.trig2 setThread bad_stuff
wait 3

local.bug2 hide
wait .2
local.trig2 setThread good_stuff
wait 3


level.move_box = 0

local.box3 show
local.box3 solid

local.trig3 triggerable
set_objective_pos local.box3 // makes compass objective marker point to box

while !(level.move_box)
local.bug3 show
wait .2
local.trig3 setThread bad_stuff
wait 3

local.bug3 hide
wait .2
local.trig3 setThread good_stuff
wait 3

} //big loop


self notTriggerable

$magic_box notsolid
$magic_box hide

level.move_box = 1
local.p = parm.other

//**** Give rewards in this section. Here's some examples:

local.p ammo grenade 2 // refill grenades was 5
local.p iprint "Restocked Grenades!"

local.p ammo smokegrenade 2 // refill smokenades was 5
local.p iprint "Restocked Smokenades!"

local.p weaponcommand mainhand realism movementspeed 1.2 // faster movement (with current weapon only)
local.p iprint "Faster Running Speed!"

local.p hurt -25 // extra health
local.p iprint "Health Boost!"
local.p heal .95 // healed by 25% ie 40% to 65%

local.p iprint "You chose wisely!"



self notTriggerable

$magic_box notsolid
$magic_box hide

level.move_box = 1 //was level.move_flag = 1
local.p = parm.other

local.p stufftext "say <<== Did not choose wisely!...timing is everything."

local.fire = spawn script_model "model" "models/emitters/fire.tik" "scale" 1.5
local.fire playsound  electricalswitch_down
local.fire loopsound fire_large
local.fire glue local.p
local.p hurt 5
while(isAlive local.p)
if(local.p.health == 100) //Can't hide from fire in spectate mode! Restart fire as soon as they rejoin.
{local.fire hide}
{local.fire show}
local.p hurt 5
wait 1
local.fire unglue local.p
wait 4
local.fire delete

Ric Hards Trapshooting
Not my mod, however his original is in Stalingrad.
I just added a couple more launchers and built a target range in Crossroads in the river.

cvar for cfg
//skeet shooting
//trapshooting_claytype clay or bomb // Changes the claytype
set trapshooting_claytype bomb


//in map scr
thread crossroads_shooting_range.scr


//setcvar "cheats" 1
//setcvar "thereisnomonkey" 1
//setcvar "developer" 1
//setcvar "sv_showbboxes" 1
//setcvar "cg_3rd_person" 1

thread tele_gun_range
thread tele_gun_range_out
//thread rangestuff

//        local.dresser5 = spawn script_model
//    local.dresser5 model "static/planningtable.tik"
//    local.dresser5.origin = ( -1493 -236 16 )
//    local.dresser5.angle = 0
//    local.dresser5 solid
//        local.dresser5 immune bullet
//    local.dresser5 immune fast_bullet
//    local.dresser5 immune bash
//    local.dresser5 immune mg
//    local.dresser5 immune explosion

exec global/trapshooting.scr ( -2646 -317 55 ) ( 0 0 0 ) homer4president

exec global/trapshooting.scr ( -2644 -197 55 ) ( 0 0 0 ) homer4president2

exec global/trapshooting.scr ( -2617 52 55 ) ( 0 0 0 ) homer4president3

exec global/trapshooting.scr ( -2617 142 55 ) ( 0 0 0 ) homer4president4

local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/static/sandbag_longsegment.tik origin ( -2675.319 -440.007 32.125 ) angle ( 178.242 ) "targetname" "sandseg"
local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/static/sandbag_longsegment.tik origin ( -2636.890 293.218 32.125 ) angle ( 179.434 ) "targetname" "sandseg"
    $sandseg solid
    $sandseg immune fast_bullet
    $sandseg immune bash
    $sandseg immune mg
    $sandseg immune explosion
    $sandseg immune bullet

local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/static/rock_large.tik origin ( -2072.164 349.347 32.125 ) angle ( 45.972 ) "targetname" "riverrock"
local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/static/rock_large.tik origin ( -2065.441 259.895 32.125 ) angle ( 91.978 ) "targetname" "riverrock"
local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/static/rock_large.tik origin ( -2053.059 146.649 32.125 ) angle ( 96.647 ) "targetname" "riverrock"
local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/static/rock_large.tik origin ( -2071.438 20.217 32.125 ) angle ( 79.953 ) "targetname" "riverrock"
local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/static/rock_large.tik origin ( -2081.936 -113.430 32.125 ) angle ( 85.518 ) "targetname" "riverrock"
local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/static/rock_large.tik origin ( -2092.313 -245.818 32.125 ) angle ( 85.518 ) "targetname" "riverrock"
local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/static/rock_large.tik origin ( -2102.642 -377.572 32.125 ) angle ( 85.518 ) "targetname" "riverrock"
local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/static/rock_large.tik origin ( -2122.047 198.436 32.125 ) angle ( 15.271 ) "targetname" "riverrock"
local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/static/rock_large.tik origin ( -2148.994 83.718 32.125 ) angle ( 31.965 ) "targetname" "riverrock"
local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/static/rock_large.tik origin ( -2144.126 -40.023 32.125 ) angle ( 355.501 ) "targetname" "riverrock"
local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/static/rock_large.tik origin ( -2138.135 -174.136 32.125 ) angle ( 4.543 ) "targetname" "riverrock"
local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/static/rock_large.tik origin ( -2132.468 -301.782 32.125 ) angle ( 352.617 ) "targetname" "riverrock"
local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/static/rock_large.tik origin ( -2111.183 -454.641 32.125 ) angle ( 41.501 ) "targetname" "riverrock"
local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/static/rock_large.tik origin ( -2085.605 -532.369 32.125 ) angle ( 40.111 ) "targetname" "riverrock"
local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/static/rock_large.tik origin ( -2034.941 -621.722 32.125 ) angle ( 71.010 ) "targetname" "riverrock"
    $riverrock solid
    $riverrock immune fast_bullet
    $riverrock immune bash
    $riverrock immune mg
    $riverrock immune explosion
    $riverrock immune bullet

        spawn models/vehicles/uboat.tik "targetname" "uboat"
    $uboat.origin = ( -5811.685 1355.395 32.125 )
    $uboat.angles = (0 49.103 0)
    $uboat solid

//infront of sub
local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/static/rock_large.tik origin ( -2072.164 349.347 32.125 ) angle ( 45.972 ) "targetname" "uboatbush"
local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/static/rock_large.tik origin ( -2065.441 259.895 32.125 ) angle ( 91.978 ) "targetname" "uboatbush"
local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/static/rock_large.tik origin ( -2053.059 146.649 32.125 ) angle ( 96.647 ) "targetname" "uboatbush"
local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/static/rock_large.tik origin ( -2071.438 20.217 32.125 ) angle ( 79.953 ) "targetname" "uboatbush"
local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/static/rock_large.tik origin ( -2081.936 -113.430 32.125 ) angle ( 85.518 ) "targetname" "uboatbush"
local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/static/rock_large.tik origin ( -2092.313 -245.818 32.125 ) angle ( 85.518 ) "targetname" "uboatbush"
local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/static/rock_large.tik origin ( -2102.642 -377.572 32.125 ) angle ( 85.518 ) "targetname" "uboatbush"
local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/static/rock_large.tik origin ( -2122.047 198.436 32.125 ) angle ( 15.271 ) "targetname" "uboatbush"
local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/static/rock_large.tik origin ( -2148.994 83.718 32.125 ) angle ( 31.965 ) "targetname" "uboatbush"
local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/static/rock_large.tik origin ( -2144.126 -40.023 32.125 ) angle ( 355.501 ) "targetname" "uboatbush"
local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/static/rock_large.tik origin ( -2138.135 -174.136 32.125 ) angle ( 4.543 ) "targetname" "uboatbush"
local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/static/rock_large.tik origin ( -2132.468 -301.782 32.125 ) angle ( 352.617 ) "targetname" "uboatbush"
local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/static/rock_large.tik origin ( -2111.183 -454.641 32.125 ) angle ( 41.501 ) "targetname" "uboatbush"
local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/static/rock_large.tik origin ( -2085.605 -532.369 32.125 ) angle ( 40.111 ) "targetname" "uboatbush"
local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/static/rock_large.tik origin ( -2034.941 -621.722 32.125 ) angle ( 71.010 ) "targetname" "uboatbush"
local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/static/bush_ivycover.tik origin ( -4902.331 1103.845 32.125 ) angle ( 234.377 ) "targetname" "uboatbush"
local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/static/bush_ivycover.tik origin ( -4902.331 1103.845 32.125 ) angle ( 234.377 ) "targetname" "uboatbush"
local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/static/bush_ivycover.tik origin ( -4971.663 986.242 82.571 ) angle ( 61.293 ) "targetname" "uboatbush"
local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/static/bush_full.tik origin ( -4880.106 1102.061 32.125 ) angle ( 229.114 ) "targetname" "uboatbush"
local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/static/bush_full.tik origin ( -4902.883 1075.756 32.125 ) angle ( 229.114 ) "targetname" "uboatbush"
local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/static/bush_full.tik origin ( -4934.035 1032.978 32.125 ) angle ( 233.882 ) "targetname" "uboatbush"
local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/static/bush_full.tik origin ( -4956.994 1001.875 32.125 ) angle ( 233.981 ) "targetname" "uboatbush"
local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/static/bush_full.tik origin ( -4992.917 952.160 32.125 ) angle ( 234.278 ) "targetname" "uboatbush"
local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/static/bush_full.tik origin ( -5025.150 905.911 32.125 ) angle ( 248.785 ) "targetname" "uboatbush"
local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/static/bush_full.tik origin ( -5049.579 851.667 32.125 ) angle ( 244.413 ) "targetname" "uboatbush"
local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/static/bush_full.tik origin ( -5074.491 807.915 32.125 ) angle ( 240.342 ) "targetname" "uboatbush"
local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/static/bush_full.tik origin ( -5100.818 762.227 32.125 ) angle ( 240.040 ) "targetname" "uboatbush"
local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/static/bush_full.tik origin ( -5126.947 713.025 32.125 ) angle ( 242.029 ) "targetname" "uboatbush"
local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/static/bush_full.tik origin ( -5153.279 663.606 32.125 ) angle ( 241.930 ) "targetname" "uboatbush"
local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/static/bush_full.tik origin ( -5175.429 621.648 32.125 ) angle ( 242.628 ) "targetname" "uboatbush"
local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/static/bush_full.tik origin ( -5197.932 572.731 32.125 ) angle ( 253.658 ) "targetname" "uboatbush"
local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/static/bush_full.tik origin ( -5215.843 486.675 32.125 ) angle ( 264.089 ) "targetname" "uboatbush"
local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/static/bush_full.tik origin ( -4769.382 115.437 32.125 ) angle ( 346.437 ) "targetname" "uboatbush"
    $uboatbush solid
    $uboatbush scale ( .2)

local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/static/bush_full.tik origin ( -4264.049 806.385 32.125 ) angle ( 327.063 ) "targetname" "riverbush"
local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/static/bush_full.tik origin ( -4239.307 766.829 32.125 ) angle ( 334.017 ) "targetname" "riverbush"
local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/static/bush_full.tik origin ( -3625.994 -392.028 32.125 ) angle ( 347.629 ) "targetname" "riverbush"
local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/static/bush_full.tik origin ( -3586.907 -338.818 32.125 ) angle ( 184.878 ) "targetname" "riverbush"
    $riverbush scale ( .5)
    $riverbush notsolid

///bush blocks
local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/static/bush_full_heavyweather.tik origin ( -4102.664 1091.319 233.415 ) angle ( 249.214 ) "targetname" "bushblock"
local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/static/bush_full_heavyweather.tik origin ( -4140.387 1028.630 213.128 ) angle ( 271.077 ) "targetname" "bushblock"
local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/static/bush_full_heavyweather.tik origin ( -4160.657 955.580 180.004 ) angle ( 251.005 ) "targetname" "bushblock"
local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/static/bush_full_heavyweather.tik origin ( -4193.723 870.344 120.110 ) angle ( 237.574 ) "targetname" "bushblock"
local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/static/bush_full_heavyweather.tik origin ( -5343.290 102.487 237.758 ) angle ( 59.024 ) "targetname" "bushblock"
local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/static/bush_full_heavyweather.tik origin ( -5298.274 174.324 232.250 ) angle ( 59.123 ) "targetname" "bushblock"
local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/static/bush_full_heavyweather.tik origin ( -5248.302 254.252 209.340 ) angle ( 59.222 ) "targetname" "bushblock"
local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/static/bush_full_heavyweather.tik origin ( -5202.800 328.681 165.299 ) angle ( 64.286 ) "targetname" "bushblock"
local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/static/bush_full_heavyweather.tik origin ( -5155.090 379.954 107.386 ) angle ( 74.026 ) "targetname" "bushblock"
    $bushblock solid


tele_gun_range: // river entrance to gun range

local.ent = spawn script_model targetname ent_range
local.ent model "fx/corona_red.tik"  
local.ent.origin = ( -1493 -236 56 )
local.ent scale 2

local.teletrig = spawn trigger_multiple targetname tele_trig_range
local.teletrig.origin = ( -1493 -236 56 )
local.teletrig setsize ( -30 -30 0 ) ( 30 30 50 )
local.teletrig setthread teleport_range



local.player = parm.other
$tele_trig_range nottriggerable
$tele_trig_range hide
$ent_range hide

local.player tele ( -2244 -172 201 )
local.player iprint ("Welcome to the Gun Range!")
local.player nodamage //allow anti spawnkill
local.player light 0 1 0 50

wait 2

local.player takedamage
local.player lightoff

$ent_range show
$tele_trig_range show
$tele_trig_range triggerable


tele_gun_range_out: // exit from gun range

local.ent = spawn script_model targetname ent_rangeleave
local.ent model "fx/corona_red.tik"  
local.ent.origin = ( -2223 161 56 )
local.ent scale 2

local.teletrig = spawn trigger_multiple targetname tele_trig_rangeleave
local.teletrig.origin = ( -2223 161 56 )
local.teletrig setsize ( -30 -30 0 ) ( 30 30 50 )
local.teletrig setthread teleport_range_leave



local.player = parm.other
$tele_trig_rangeleave nottriggerable
$tele_trig_rangeleave hide
$ent_rangeleave hide

local.player tele ( -1261 -408 201 )
local.player iprint ("Leaving the Gun Range!")
local.player nodamage //allow anti spawnkill
local.player light 0 1 0 50

wait 2

local.player takedamage
local.player lightoff

$ent_rangeleave show
$tele_trig_rangeleave show
$tele_trig_rangeleave triggerable


//these are dummy target locations to explode for later
local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/player/german_Scientist.tik origin ( -5105.021 421.889 32.125 ) angle ( 337.687 )
local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/player/german_Afrika_Officer.tik origin ( -5067.032 471.742 32.125 ) angle ( 338.082 )
local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/player/german_Worker.tik origin ( -5045.845 515.248 32.125 ) angle ( 341.065 )
local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/player/allied_Pilot.tik origin ( -5032.387 553.634 32.125 ) angle ( 341.856 )
local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/player/allied_Manon.tik origin ( -5016.165 585.651 32.125 ) angle ( 342.356 )
local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/player/allied_Airborne.tik origin ( -4998.544 621.976 32.125 ) angle ( 342.554 )
local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/player/allied_SAS.tik origin ( -4976.441 666.513 32.125 ) angle ( 338.780 )
local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/player/german_Wehrmacht_Officer.tik origin ( -4958.937 702.540 32.125 ) angle ( 341.362 )
local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/player/german_Elite_Sentry.tik origin ( -4933.049 744.572 32.125 ) angle ( 339.472 )
local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/player/american_Army.tik origin ( -4910.562 779.237 32.125 ) angle ( 337.588 )
local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/player/german_Winter_1.tik origin ( -4889.978 828.331 32.125 ) angle ( 332.715 )
local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/player/german_Panzer_Obershutze.tik origin ( -4861.315 872.901 32.125 ) angle ( 338.379 )
local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/player/german_Wehrmacht_Soldier.tik origin ( -4832.188 916.325 32.125 ) angle ( 334.704 )
local.fix1 = spawn script_model model models/player/german_Winter_2.tik origin ( -4802.169 965.282 32.125 ) angle ( 333.413 )

Updated 09-22-2017 at 02:55 AM by Major_A

Mapping , Personal , How to , Game Mods


  1. AccadaccA's Avatar
    Wow. I'm reading a blog for the very first time and its something I was recently pondering, if at all possible.
    I even mentioned it in an email to Shadow about a week or so ago.
    Have targets pop-up in a map, similar to ply wood cut-outs used by police training and the like (perhaps only in M.I.B. II lol), but have them add to your score when shot.
  2. Major_A's Avatar
    I did make some player skin targets one time to shoot at, but lost them someplace, probly in a crash onetime
    I had them in the river on the bridge map down range from Ric Hards Clay shooting range. A cool mod in its self. You should look that up too.

    I'll have to do this type of post in parts as after the first mod, I was immediately flagged by a character posting cap, but I fixed that due to the nature of the post
    so any large amount of characters in a mod post shouldn't be an issue anymore.

    I have since updated this post.
    Hope you like the additions
  3. Major_A's Avatar
    Since I mentioned Ric Hards mod I added it.
    Also wanted to see if that many more lines of code would fit in a post lol

    Found part of the targets I was working on too haha
    Updated 09-20-2017 at 12:11 AM by Major_A
  4. AccadaccA's Avatar
    Okay, say I want to make "func_crate" objects my targets and have each one that gets destroyed add to the player's score.
    Do I apply the Rick Hard "Trapshooting" script method or something else?
  5. Major_A's Avatar
    In my boom crates, to add kill credit, the only lines added for it was

    local.killer = parm.other
    for(local.person = 1; local.person <= $player.size;local.person++)
           if(vector_within local.trigger.origin $player[local.person].origin 250)
              {$player[local.person] damage local.killer 200 local.killer (0 0 0) (0 0 0) (0 0 0) 0 1 9 -1}
    Updated 09-22-2017 at 03:42 AM by Major_A
  6. AccadaccA's Avatar
    Cheers mate.