links on page need fixed for request server hosting when ready
-AAAA MOHAA and MOHSH Hosting Info-
Request Hosting HERE
Welcome to AAAA, we are a non profit community that has been around since MOHAA started.
Our community is run by the clans for the clans - all funds go back into the community "We Are NON profit "
- UK Hardware servers
- 1 GB Network Connection
- High spec hardware running high spec CPU's performance
- We only support MOH games
- Community run with many years of experience - dedicated support team - we play it so we keep it running........
- Free Community Teamspeak
- Enhanced TCADMIN control panel
- AAAA Host the largest database for all MOH content such as Maps, Skins, Mods, Info guides and docs
- Full support of X-null Reborn Patch
- Support for Autodownloaders such as MMDL and PAKRADAR and Reborn
- Try our Clan servers filter IP
TCADMIN Interface
More Info Here on TCADMIN -: